Thursday, August 27, 2009

Amazing Amazon Price Watch Tool

I just came across this website while surfing the internet. I found an interesting section on the website which is the Amazon Price Watch Tool. It provide a valuable price watching service on When you find some item that you want but the price is too high and you don’t have to buy it at that time, you can add watch (for free) for that item and then when the item price is dropped to the threshold level, their notification system will fire you an automatic email about it. This brilliant service would benefit all of their users by saving both money and time.

Above article on describes how to use this amazing free service. Check it out.


Digital Cameras Best Values said...

This amazon price watch tool is very useful. Especially at this age when the economy is not good, people are smart and tend to wait and buy the same thing at discounted price.

Laptops On Sale said...

There are 2 categories that price changes fast: HDTV and Laptops. I added price watch for HP laptop last week and this week the price drops and I got an alert email right to my inbox. Very useful service!